‘Alting er som det plejer, sådan kan vi bedst lide det’ [“Everything is normal, that’s how we like it best”]
A collective presentation by DANSK EXPORT
Etage Projects is pleased to present the group show ‘Alting er som det plejer, sådan kan vi bedst lide det’ [“Everything is normal, that’s how we like it best”]; a critical reflection on the concept of sustainability and national self image, as a Danish cultural export. The exhibition will present new works by the Danish artist collective, DANSK EXPORT, who all received their formal education outside of Denmark. The presentation will take place between CHART and Etage Projects’ Copenhagen space and will be unified by the different artists’ shared interest in incorporating performative elements.
DANSK EXPORT is a collective of the following artists and designers:
Victor Miklos Andersen
Villiam Miklos Andersen
Aske Hvitved
Christian + Jade
Anna Aagaard Jensen
Niels Nielsen
Esben Ingemann Larsen
Maiken Stæhr
Go to artist page: Anna Aagaard