Stoned side table by Fredrik Paulsen
Dimensions: 36h × 59w × 51d cm
Materials: Wood, rest material from the quarry production in Öland, Sweden
Year: 2015
Price on request
A stone quarry i Öland, Sweden is the departure point for the creation of the works. Paulsen has been exploring and examining the unique qualities of the rose coloured stone from the quarry and used it as the main material and inspiration for his exhibition. With STONED Fredrik Paulsen is taking a much more experimental approach towards this new body of work – allowing the material to dictate its form and function. The title reflects not only the stone as the main material in the work but the sensory and open-minded artistic process that Paulsen took in the creation of the work.
Pulverised stone has been rematerialized and fixed in new meanings and functions. The works have a direct visual connection with their origin, which highlights the artistic process and forming of the material. The relationship between the rough texture of the stone dust, the delicate colour palette and Paulsens artistic forming brings out a whole new take on the possibilities of statuary work and design.